I have a lot of updates to share as we prepare for an early 2024 ‘official’ launch of: Plotopolis - publisher of interactive fiction.
Submit a fiction *proposal*
Thinking of a great story idea and want to know if it could work on Plotopolis? We’d love to take a look. Check out our submissions system for more info.
Where to read: New - Facebook Messenger & Slack
We added a couple of big ones, and we’re psyched to be able to deliver interactive fiction to big new audiences. Besides playing on Telegram or the web, you can now read a Plotopolis story on:
Facebook Messenger (message us from our Facebook Page, or go directly to Plotopolis on Messenger via this link https://m.me/plotopolis ).
Slack - here’s how to add Slack to your workspace - note: if you use Slack, kindly consider installing Plotopolis. In order to be in the Slack App store we need to hit a minimum number of installations. Thank you 🙏🏼😍.
These are both new… if you see any issues, please let us know.
For Authors - ‘Engine’ updates
As we work through submissions, it was also a decent month for improving readability and interactive features.
Check out our newly-live ‘Plotopolis documentation’.
Stories can now also have ‘Wildcard answers’
Or be navigated by number (instead of typing the choice)
Lastly - I brought on an intern to help me navigate the launch. Please stop by to say Hi to the fantastic Ro Runkel, who will be helping with submissions, correspondence and all other literary journal maneuvers.
Thanks for listening & send us your stories.
Glad to hear you have Facebook Messenger compatibility now! I look forward to seeing what people make!